Patent Valuation Services
In today’s technology-driven global economy, a business’s intellectual property is often the enterprise’s most valuable assets. That is why knowing what your patents are worth is so important, and only a professional patent valuation will tell you that.
There are 3 classic valuation methodologies: Market, Cost, and Income. TransactionsIP utilizes the Market Approach for providing patent valuation. This valuation is based upon market value which is realized from market transactions and makes use of the prices actually paid for comparable assets. When inventors, businesses and others approach us about selling their patents, they often do not have any idea what their patents might be worth. Companies that approach us about acquiring patents often do not know what the potential patent acquisition properties are worth or what a seller might be willing to accept. Patents are a veritable moving target; with the price affected by the buyers perceived level of need plays a significant role in driving the price. How one or more specific buyers plan to use a particular group of assets will help determine the price it eventually sells for, as well as perceived need, cash position, and strength of their current patent coverage.
When patentees contact us about selling their patents,” observes Rich Ehrlickman, President of TransactionsIP, “the first thing they ask is what their patents are worth, so there has clearly been a need for a Patent Valuation Service.” He adds that “Many businesses own substantial patent portfolios, but they are assets that do not appear on the company’s balance sheet, so they need to know what these intellectual assets are worth.”
To address these needs, TransactionsIP offers three patent valuation services that are fast, affordable and easy to order. To answer the question, “What is My Patent Worth?” please visit our Patent Valuation Services page.
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